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Eurobees - to connect beekeepers from EU
The idea of Eurobees was established because there is not certain place on the internet where the beekeepers from EU could exchange experience and information at international level in one place. The most forums and beekeeping related pages focused on particular state beekeeping issue, that's why the information necessary for beekeepers flows slowly or not at all. For example CCD cases.It is spoken , if the bees disappear the life will finish on Earth.

Reasons of dead colonies are upgraded.
Eurobees News
15.11.2014 - Introduction of beekeeping diary in Olustvere (Estonia) to students of beekeeping.
08.05.2012 - inquiry Disappearance of bees in Estonia by Renno Lainevool
10.12.2011 - new category in web links for beekeeping tourism
Beekeeping Diary
The Beekeeping Diary is now available . Suggestions to make it better are very welcome.
Beekeeping Diary is in English and Estonian (incl help text)

Latest Active Forum Threads
  Thread Views Replies Last Post
Carniolan bee queens
Queen breeding
12419 6 Beequest
08-02-2019 08:09
Diarys diary
What has been done
11039 0 admin
04-03-2014 15:59
Bee health
12410 5 admin
29-12-2013 14:14
Natural comb
Natural beekeeping
11701 6 mrcadman
07-01-2013 23:01
Honey 2012
Free talk
8592 0 admin
28-08-2012 08:00
AFB-American Foulbrood
Bee health
12287 0 Beequest
30-03-2012 15:38
Frame dimensions
Make suggestions
8474 0 admin
11-03-2012 06:27
Beekeeping tourism?
Beekeeping questions, problems etc.
12432 4 Beequest
27-02-2012 14:11
What has been done
8469 0 admin
21-02-2012 06:44
adding reserve conlony into...
Beekeeping questions, problems etc.
10672 1 admin
04-02-2012 10:43

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» Kristette handycraft
[For Sale Ad]
Posted: 11/15/2014

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