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Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica Pollman)
The Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica Pollman) is a subspecies of the western honey bee. The Carniolan honey bee is native to Slovenia and to some regions of the former Yugoslavia, southern Austria, and parts of Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria.

Character and behavior

Considered to be gentle and non-aggressive
Can be kept in populated areas.
Sense of orientation considered better than the Italian honey bee race
Less drifting of bees from one hive to a neighboring hive
When compared to the Italian race, they are not as prone to rob honey
Able to overwinter in smaller numbers of winter bees; honey stores are conserved.
Able to quickly adapt to changes in the environment
Better for areas with long winters
Rhythm of brood production very steep. Brood rearing is reduced when available forage decreases
Low use of propolis
Resistant to brood diseases
For areas with strong spring nectar flow and early pollination
Forage earlier in the morning and later in the evening, and on cool, wet days.
Workers live up to 12% longer than other breeds

Not beneficial

More prone to swarming if overcrowded
Low ability to thrive in hot summer weather
Strength of broodnest more dependent on availability of pollen
Unless marked the dark queen is difficult to find

More at: http://en.wikiped..._honey_bee

Beekeeper from Slovenia
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